Is your current job your true passion ?

After graduating from university, I thought job is supposed to be a tool for human to buy food and earn for a living therefore I don’t really bother to find a job according to my passion. What was important for me is that it pays the bill every month. Because my thought was if it doesn’t pay the bill, why should and would I work so hard?

My mind was only full of how to get job as soon as possible and not being unemployed for several months after graduation.

Later, I got a job which was being a financial consultant in a Financial Investment Company. I started as an entry level and ended up with a position as an Assistant Business Manager within my 3 years of employment at that company. I learnt a lot how to be aggressively set target including clients and incomes each month. Stress is a word that each month I struggle with, however it relieves me as soon as I got my monthly income which was literally similar to a roller coaster movement “sometimes up, sometimes down’, I became consumptive and hardly think of whether it’s my true passion that I am following or not. In 3 years of employment, I have learnt how to manage people and team, how to connect with people, and how to give a professional advice to people in need. It was quite a lesson and experience of lives. I gained a lot achievement and money that I pursue. But, when I think of it, there was no drive and passion in my career. Thus I decided to end my employment and pursue another field of career which really suited my education background.

Next, I was recruited in a job fair at an Overseas Education Consulting Company, I find it’s challenging and suitable with my educational background because I can use English and marketing skill as well. There will be an opportunity of training at overseas schools which really aroused me to join. I worked there around 1 year of employment. I struggled much with the information that I should know and working in a small company with few colleagues was kinda boring to me because my previous job was meeting with people, rarely stayed in the office. What really stressed me out is the daily routines each day at the office and less challenges that I faced when I was doing my previous job. One thing importantly is the hierarchy and the salary is based on experiences, not from our ability. It was a stable job. I gained a lot information and as a newbie, I had to do a lot of job description in which the seniors didn’t want to do. I learnt to be humble and submit to the authority. Later, I got an enlightenment that it was not really the kind of job which suits my personality and career development that I pursue in my career. Thus, I decided to resign even though I haven’t got any job offer yet.

I reflected a lot after I was unemployed. Passion shouldn’t be measured by money or the income level, nor can be measured by our good thought related to our education background. Passion should be equally important to our talent, desire, and what really interests us to do in life. If we found our passion, then we will not be stressed out of wasting time doing something which is not accountable to our inner desire. Surprisingly, if we found our passion, we will be happy to do it even we don’t even get paid. And if we are doing our passion, people around us will get the positive vibes that it resulted a positive outcome.SO, the key is find your passion and do it accordingly with God’s help and favor.  Your passion should be benefited to people around you.

Last but not least, I am still in a pursuit of my passion, I know there is a light that guide me toward my true passion and I know I am walking to the right direction.

Things to reflect on:

  1. Is your job according to your ability and talent that you had? Suits your personality as well?
  2. Is your job related to your true inner desire? what you really love to do and want to do in lives?
  3. Do you feel there is a huge drive and motivation to do your job?

If all the answer is yes, congratulations then you are working based on your passion.

If it is still not, don’t worry and keep on searching!



by: Apriany Goh (August 29th, 2016)

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